Sunday, February 16, 2014


Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant:   
Aches and pains

Food cravings: 
Pizza! (Always)
French Onion Dip and Fritos
Fish Sticks

Foods that do not agree with me:
All Beef Hot Dogs 

Fried Pickles

Miss Anything:

Sleeping through the night
Going anywhere quickly
Walking without the constant fear of falling

Have you started to show yet:

I am all baby since I have only gained about 4 pounds this entire pregnancy. I know, y'all hate me. 

38 Week pregnant belly. Check out the banana socks.


For sure a girl

She is a break dancer spinning on her head


Some nights are better than others. Regardless, I am up multiple times a night.

Wedding rings on or off: 

I had to retire the rings. :( My fingers swelled a bit too much for my liking. It made me nervous.

Labor Signs:
I have Braxton Hicks, but they aren't too severe. When they happen, I just try to take it easy until they pass.

Looking forward to:

Getting through labor
Snuggling this little lady

Other Baby News:
We finally had our pre-birth appointment at the hospital. It was a chance to get the major paperwork out of the way before I am in labor. We also have a rough "birth plan" on file. We also had the car seat installation checked. Joshua received an A+ on his installation. The nurse praised him for actually reading the manual to the car seat and to our vehicle. 

We also had our weekly check up. The doctor was concerned that I lost 4 pounds since my last appointment (a week ago). Once we told her that I had a cold that knocked out my appetite she was relieved. Trexie has flipped to be being posterior again. She will probably flip many more times before her grand entrance. It looks like everything else is going in the right direction. Her weight is tapering off and the doctor thinks she will be about 7-8 pounds as opposed to 9-10 pounds. I have another check up next week.

God's Blessings, 

Joshua, Stefani, and Baby K


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