Monday, December 30, 2013


I know you know that I’m not telling the truth
I know you know they just don’t have any proof
Embrace the deception, learn how to bend
Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end

Week 31

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant:   
Excessive saliva (only at bedtime)  
Restless Legs 
Acid Reflux (Dear Maalox, You save my esophagus.)
Shortness of breath
Aches and pains (my back, my legs, my sides...all the body parts)

Food cravings:
Chef Boyardee Ravioli

Pretty much anything with a red sauce
Dinner food for Breakfast
Carbonated Beverages

Foods that do not agree with me:
All Beef Hot Dogs
Fried Pickles

Miss Anything:
Cold Lunchmeat


Have you started to show yet:
Yes, but strangers don't really pick up on the belly.

A Lady


She lets me know she is there.


Mostly restless, but the beauty of staying at home is always have the option of a nap.

Wedding rings on or off:

Labor Signs:
No, but I wonder if I am getting Braxton Hicks from time to time.

Looking forward to:

Putting away all the "loot" from the baby shower
Finally, getting her room together. I just wanted to make it through Christmas before I/we tackled it.
Seeing her face to face. We are getting so close!


The short list of names changes weekly. No, we are not legally naming her Trexie

Other Baby News:
Allison and some other awesome ladies put on a great baby shower for me at church. Everyone had a great time! My In Laws were able to come up, which was very nice. We came home with our Pathfinder full of gifts and my sister in law's van full of food. I cannot thank Allison, Kristy, Becky S., Becky N., and the Women's group at church enough for the lovely shower. The "loot" isn't bad either! ;) I am truly blessed to have such a great group of ladies in my life. 

Speaking of baby showers....My amazing friend Sarah and I are in the works planning a St. Louis baby shower. Details to come, but it will be coming up quickly. We hope it all works out. I would love to party with y'all! 

Trexie received a special ornament from her grandparents for Christmas....

Photo Courtesy of Bronner's.

God's Blessings,

Joshua, Stefani, and Baby K

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Week 30

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant:   
Excessive saliva (only at bedtime)  
Restless Legs (It was torture when we went to see The Hobbit.)
Acid Reflux (I could write a love letter to Maalox)
Shortness of breath (I literally cannot catch my breath. Even if I am just sitting.)  
Aches and pains (There are days a walker sounds like a good idea)

Food cravings:
Chef Boyardee Ravioli

Pretty much anything with a red sauce
Dinner food for Breakfast

Foods that do not agree with me:
All Beef Hot Dogs
Fried Pickles

Miss Anything:
Cold Lunchmeat


Have you started to show yet:
The only time in one's life when someone says, "You are getting a belly." and you don't want to punch them.

Minnie! (get it?) (also, not her name)

She doesn't like Orcs (We saw The Hobbit). Josh was able to see my stomach move the other day. I loved seeing the expression on his face.  

I have good nights and bad nights. 

I fight the urge to nap all day long. If I nap then I stay up later than I want to.

Wedding rings on or off:

Labor Signs:

Looking forward to:

The baby shower at church 
Seeing what treasures my mother in law is bringing during her visit
Getting her room set up
Getting all the medical things finished (classes, tours, paperwork, pediatrician...)


The short list of names changes weekly. No, we are not legally naming her Trexie.

Other Baby News:
I had another 3 hour glucose tolerance test this past Tuesday. I DO NOT have gestational diabetes! Praise God! I was really going to miss those sweets for Christmas if it was positive. Thank you for all who prayed. And those who kept me sane during those 3 LONG hours.  

Merry Christmas!!

Joshua, Stefani, and Trexie

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Acorn Squash

Week 29

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant:   
Excessive saliva (only at bedtime)  
Restless Legs (usually cured by walking around or taking a shower)
Acid Reflux (I heart Maalox)
Shortness of breath (could it be from her head in my diaphragm?)  

Aches and pains (I feel about 95 years old)
Allergies (At times I feel like someone took a cat and rubbed it against my face)

Food cravings:
Chef Boyardee Ravioli

Dinner food for Breakfast

Foods that do not agree with me:
All Beef Hot Dogs
Fried Pickles

Miss Anything:
Cold Lunchmeat

Have you started to show yet:
Yep. Last Sunday I discovered that I can't fit down the side aisle at church anymore. (In my "defense" it is quite narrow.)

Minnie! (get it?) (also, not her name)

She is all over the place and I love it!! She just needs to turn her little self head down. 

We had a Voter's Meeting this morning at church. Someone called for a motion and without missing a beat she kicked my stomach. I found it funny.

I am sleeping well. Not too uncomfortable yet.

Wedding rings on or off:

Labor Signs:

Looking forward to:

The baby shower at church (the only one I am having, it will be legen.....wait for it....dary, because Allison is in charge!)
Finishing her room
Getting all her stuff in order (waiting to see what I get at the baby shower)


The short list of names changes weekly. No, we are not legally naming her Trexie. 

Other Baby News:
I go in for a 3 hour glucose tolerance test to determine if I have gestational diabetes on Tuesday. (That is if the weather cooperates. I already cancelled once.) Prayers would be appreciated. This is my second 3 hour test and my fourth glucose test for this pregnancy.  

God's Blessings, 

Joshua, Stefani, and Baby K

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Week 28

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant:
Excessive saliva (not as bad as it once was. It only happens when I got to bed.)
Restless Legs
Acid Reflux (it so "bad" that I have bottles of Maalox in various locations through out the house that I take shots from.)
Shortness of breath (I know why, now. See "Other Baby News")

Aches and pains (my new favorite...not!)

Food cravings:

An afternoon sweet
I could eat pizza 3 times a week, I don't, but I could

Foods that do not agree with me:
All Beef Hot Dogs
Fried Pickles

Miss Anything:
Chef Salads
Stronger pain meds
Stronger allergy meds

Have you started to show yet: 

Oh my yes.



Yep, I love every minute of it! It is my favorite thing about pregnancy.

I could sleep all the time and sometimes I do.

Wedding rings on or off:

Labor Signs:


Looking forward to:

My baby shower at church. It is going to be AWESOME! Allison is doing a great job!

We are slowly getting a short list together. We are still going to wait until she arrives.

Other Baby News:
Looks like this little lady is breech....for now. Her head is so high up that I measured 8 weeks further along than I am. The doctor wants me to do some exercises and find a pool to do some swimming. If she hasn't turned in the next month then we will discuss "options". Which means I could end up with a C-section. Which really doesn't bother me. My "birth plan" is whatever needs to be done for a safe and healthy baby. 

Trexie being breech explains some things. Such as, getting short of breath talking. Her head is up against my diaphragm. And feeling her little feet kicking lower than I thought they "should" be. 

I had another glucose tolerance test this past Thursday. I haven't received the results yet. The whole thing makes me nervous. 

God's Blessings, 
Joshua, Stefani, and Baby K

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Week 27

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant: 
Excessive saliva
Restless Legs
Acid Reflux (it so "bad" that I have bottles of Maalox in various locations through out the house that I take shots from.)
Shortness of breath 

Aches and pains (my new favorite...not!)

Food cravings:

Qdoba nachos (still haven't fulfilled this one)
Root Beer
Fizzy drinks

Foods that do not agree with me:
All Beef Hot Dogs
Fried Pickles

Miss Anything:
Stronger pain meds
Stronger allergy meds

Have you started to show yet: 

Yep, I even have the pregnant "swagger" going on



She is a fiesty. I love watching when she makes my stomach move. She seems to sense when I need a little encouragement and kicks me.

I could sleep all the time.

Wedding rings on or off:

Labor Signs:


Looking forward to:

Josh felt her move a little. She seems to do all her major moving when he isn't home.

We are slowly getting a short list together. We are still going to wait until she arrives.

Other Baby News:
I am so excited about the shower that a friend from church is throwing. She has some great ideas that are totally me. This little lady is sure to be spoiled. 

I have my second glucose tolerance test this week. Praying I have conclusive results and won't have to take the 3 hour one again. 

Little lady's crib arrived via my parents. I bought it second hand from a friend in St. Louis and my parents were kind enough to haul it up here. We are one step closer to have a place for her to sleep. 

We hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday. For those of you who celebrate, Happy Hanukkah!!

God's Blessings, 
Joshua, Stefani, and Baby K