Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Seven Months!

Totally half finished due to my iritis. I did not get an official 7 month picture. :/

Likes: Standing- with support she can stand herself up
Food!- She is our kid for sure! She loves applesauce, bananas, peaches, and pears.

Raising her arms in the air and bringing them down
Daniel Tiger's Neighboorhood- This show instantly calms her when it seems she is upset about nothing. She like the songs and colors. We watch for a few minutes to distract her from whatever she thinks she is upset about.

Having gas- Boy can she wail and cry when she has bad gas!
Taking things away she wants- yeah, we learned this already...sigh

About 30 oz a day
We are working on eating more solids.

Doctor's Report: 
Next appointment is at 9 months

Emilia's Milestones:
Still working on crawling

The bottom teeth are in and are being used to bite mommy. My leg and my arm are her favorites.
Pulling herself up to stand

Parents' Milestones:  
The first time I was physically unable to take care of Emi. I am dealing with iritis and fibrosis of my iris and lens. It is PAINFUL! Thank God for Emi's godmother, Mary Kay, for taking two full days of her time to care for Emi while we visited doctors and Joshua could get some work done. Because of this Joshua got to go into full on daddy mode. We are such a team that it is rare when we have all the responsibility on just one of us. He did just fine!

Hair Watch:
Growing! It gets curly in the bath

Eye Watch:  
They are slowly turning brown. 

Teeth Watch:
The two bottom teeth are here. She is definitely working on others. She is drooling extra and wants to gnaw on everything!

The best 7 month photo we took

God's Blessings, 

Joshua, Stefani, and Emilia

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