Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Second Doctor's Visit

My doctor, being the fabulous one that she is, scheduled another ultrasound for me 2 weeks later instead of the usual 4 weeks. She did this solely to put our minds at ease. During those two weeks it was discovered I would need to take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test. I scheduled it the same day as the ultrasound. It was a LONG day, but amazing. They were able to get my ultrasound in during my test instead of after when it was originally scheduled. It was then that we discovered we have a T-Rex. We saw our little one wave their arm buds like a T-Rex. The nickname has stuck. We find it better than "it" since we obvious do not know the gender yet. The heartbeat was strong at 168. Also, I do not have gestational diabetes! I will need to do another 1 hour test at 28 weeks. 

Next step was telling...well everyone. 

God's Blessings,

Joshua, Stefani, and T-Rex

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