Friday, March 8, 2013

April Showers

Stefani here. It seems my 30th birthday is going to be here in less than a month, no matter how much I protest. It also seems that mid April will be here, too. While our motto is to prepare for the worse, but expect the best, I still feel there is a dark cloud over this month. So, I selfishly ask that you pray for us as we continue to grieve what might have been.

I keep thinking about all the ways to honor our child and celebrate my 30th. If you would like to get on board I have a few ideas...

1. Give 30 hours of your time to your favorite organization (church, school, non-profit)

2. Give $30 (my age), $19.83 (year I was born), $4.07 (birthdate), or any other amount you deem fit to your favorite charity or one of mine: St. Louis Crisis Nursery, a family fighting cancer (I have some names), Your Local Church Youth Group or Vacation Bible School Program, Concordia Seminary St. Louis (either a specific student, again I have names), food bank, or the school directly), Lutheran World Relief, or a friend's Team in Training page.

If you do any of the above, please let me know. It would make me so happy to know that good was happening.

Or if you want to get me a gift personally, I would love to have some of the cost of the Michigan District Katie Conference deferred. It is in the month of April and being around my "sisters" during my "dark month" (Gilmore Girls reference) would be healing.

But most of all, We could really use your prayers.

God's Blessings,
Joshua and Stefani

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34-35


Carolyn said...

I will do this for you Stefani. I love you bunches. April is yet another hard month for me too, so we can get through this together. love you too much. praying for you

The Ketelsens said...

Thank you, BFF! You are an amazing friend. You have helped me so much!