Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ketelsens' Health Update

By now word has gotten around that Joshua had an eventful trip to the ER in March. We rode in style by ambulance. Once he saw a general practitioner he was diagnosed with migraines due to extremely high blood pressure and stress. He was put on blood pressure medicine and a strict low sodium diet. He is doing much better now.

Stefani has been recently diagnosed as iron deficient. She had some abnormal blood work at her last check up (high white blood cell count). She went in for another blood test and the count was higher. After hearing that Stefani was sleeping so much and tired all the time, her general practitioner referred her to a hematologist. Stefani is now on iron supplements and B12. It will take a few months for there to be positive effects.

It was a crazy month of medical issues for the Ketelsens, but we are on the mend. We want to thank everyone for their prayers and encouragement.

God's Blessings,

Joshua and Stefani

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