Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Joshua's 28th Birthday

In the busyness of Lent we managed to celebrate Joshua's birthday.
After Sunday service the congregation surprised Joshua (and me) with a mini-birthday party. There was singing, cake, and fellowship. I was able to get a few pictures of cake.

 Yummy cake.

Happy Birthday!

On Thursday March 4th, his actually birthday, we had take out pizza. It was from our favorite place in town, Manzana's. The following Saturday we spent the afternoon in Gaylord. We saw a movie and had dinner at a Chinese buffet. We really enjoyed spending a rare afternoon together. 

We had some interesting visitors on Joshua's birthday...wild turkeys! We had 26 turkeys in our backyard at one time. It was quite a sight! Stefani scared them off before she could take a picture. Four more came to visit a few days later and Stefani was able to snap a few photos. 

They are munching on apples.

 Gobble Gobble!

God's Blessings,
Joshua and Stefani

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