Saturday, April 25, 2009

Call Day 2009

Call Day was April 22nd. Now that it has been a few days since then, we have more information about Joshua's first call.

Joshua has been called to Holy Cross Lutheran in Onaway, Michigan as the sole pastor. The town has a population of 900. The town is on the smaller side than we are used to. We spoke to the Chairman of the congregation on Thursday afternoon. From the conversation the congregation seems eager for our arrival.

The church has a parsonage that we will be living in. It has 4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, a newly renovated kitchen, a finished basement, and 2.5 car garage. The house is "in town" and 2 blocks away from the church.

As more information comes we will pass it on. Right now we are just letting it all "soak in". Joshua still has a month left of classes, graduation (May 22nd), and ordination.

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