Week 30
Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant:
Excessive saliva (only at bedtime)
Restless Legs (It was torture when we went to see The Hobbit.)
Acid Reflux (I could write a love letter to Maalox)
Shortness of breath (I literally cannot catch my breath. Even if I am just sitting.)
Aches and pains (There are days a walker sounds like a good idea)
Food cravings:
Chef Boyardee Ravioli
Pretty much anything with a red sauce
Dinner food for Breakfast
Foods that do not agree with me:
All Beef Hot Dogs
Fried Pickles
Miss Anything:
Cold Lunchmeat
Have you started to show yet:
The only time in one's life when someone says, "You are getting a belly." and you don't want to punch them.
Minnie! (get it?) (also, not her name)
She doesn't like Orcs (We saw The Hobbit). Josh was able to see my stomach move the other day. I loved seeing the expression on his face.
I have good nights and bad nights.
I fight the urge to nap all day long. If I nap then I stay up later than I want to.
Wedding rings on or off:
Labor Signs:
Looking forward to:
The baby shower at church
Seeing what treasures my mother in law is bringing during her visit
Getting her room set up
Getting all the medical things finished (classes, tours, paperwork, pediatrician...)
The short list of names changes weekly. No, we are not legally naming her Trexie.
Other Baby News:
I had another 3 hour glucose tolerance test this past Tuesday. I DO NOT have gestational diabetes! Praise God! I was really going to miss those sweets for Christmas if it was positive. Thank you for all who prayed. And those who kept me sane during those 3 LONG hours.
Merry Christmas!!
Joshua, Stefani, and Trexie
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