Sunday, December 15, 2013

Acorn Squash

Week 29

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant:   
Excessive saliva (only at bedtime)  
Restless Legs (usually cured by walking around or taking a shower)
Acid Reflux (I heart Maalox)
Shortness of breath (could it be from her head in my diaphragm?)  

Aches and pains (I feel about 95 years old)
Allergies (At times I feel like someone took a cat and rubbed it against my face)

Food cravings:
Chef Boyardee Ravioli

Dinner food for Breakfast

Foods that do not agree with me:
All Beef Hot Dogs
Fried Pickles

Miss Anything:
Cold Lunchmeat

Have you started to show yet:
Yep. Last Sunday I discovered that I can't fit down the side aisle at church anymore. (In my "defense" it is quite narrow.)

Minnie! (get it?) (also, not her name)

She is all over the place and I love it!! She just needs to turn her little self head down. 

We had a Voter's Meeting this morning at church. Someone called for a motion and without missing a beat she kicked my stomach. I found it funny.

I am sleeping well. Not too uncomfortable yet.

Wedding rings on or off:

Labor Signs:

Looking forward to:

The baby shower at church (the only one I am having, it will be legen.....wait for it....dary, because Allison is in charge!)
Finishing her room
Getting all her stuff in order (waiting to see what I get at the baby shower)


The short list of names changes weekly. No, we are not legally naming her Trexie. 

Other Baby News:
I go in for a 3 hour glucose tolerance test to determine if I have gestational diabetes on Tuesday. (That is if the weather cooperates. I already cancelled once.) Prayers would be appreciated. This is my second 3 hour test and my fourth glucose test for this pregnancy.  

God's Blessings, 

Joshua, Stefani, and Baby K

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