Saturday, January 31, 2009


January has been a roller coaster ride for Team Ketelsen.

The month started out with a visit to Ohio. Which was very enjoyable. We had a great time visiting Joshua's family and attending a church service at Zion.

The day after we got back to St. Louis Joshua had his first interview with a congregation. The congregation is in Moorhead, MN. The head pastor and call team came to St. Louis to interview potential candidates. Unfortunately, Joshua was extremely ill during the interview. He was then sick for the next week.

We had a week of calm and then we were hit again with a challenge. Stefani's dad took a trip to the emergency room for a heart palpitation. He was able to get his heart rate down by himself. The doctor believes these episodes are caused by a congenital issue with his heart. It will require surgery to get it under control. Please keep him in your prayers.

The weekend brought more enjoyable events. Stefani had a Tupperware party. She officially feels like a suburban wife. We also went to a great dinner party at the home of our friends from the Seminary. It was a night of great food, great people, and a fun game.

Stefani came down with a cold that really knocked her out. Luckily, there were 2 snow days which offered Stefani some "free" down time. Just as Stefani was getting well, Joshua came down with a nasty virus. After a trip to an Urgent Care center, a day in bed, a sick day taken by Stefani to take care of Joshua, and frozen Powerade cubes he is on the road to recovery.

Between the sickness that plagued Team Ketelsen, Joshua had second interview with a congregation. This interview was over the phone with a congregation in Brunswick, OH. Please keep the Call process and those involved in your prayers.

As January comes to a close we are excited to see what the rest of the year holds for us.

God's Blessings,
Joshua and Stefani

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