Our holiday season was busy and joyous. Christmas Eve was very low key. We had Chinese take out with Stefani's parents and then we headed to church at Our Savior. Christmas Day was spent with Stefani's parents, grandparents, and great uncle. We exchanged presents, ate far too much, played a game of Scrabble, and watched a movie. It was very enjoyable and relaxing.
The weekend after Christmas we hosted two gatherings. The first was the Marrah family Christmas party. Everyone brought yummy homemade soups. The amazing thing was we all got to eat in the same room! There were 15 Marrah family representatives and we all fit in the dining room around card tables.
The second gathering was with Stefani's godmother, her family and Stefani's parents. We ordered Imo's pizza (a St. Louis icon) and had great visiting time.
For New Year's Eve we drove to Ohio to spend some time with Joshua's family. We got there just in time to go to a great Japanese steakhouse for a special and delicious dinner.

The week continued with gift giving, fabulous food, and time with family. It was a great visit all around.

We hope you are having a blessed New Year!
God's Blessings,
Joshua and Stefani
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