Tuesday, February 10, 2015


In one month we will have a ONE YEAR OLD!! What the what?!?!?!?!

Laying her head on soft things
Brushing her teeth
Grabbing the remote and pressing buttons
Climbing on her Minnie chair
Squeaking her rubber ducky 
Playing with Daddy
Men except for her daddy and she warms up to Pop Pop
Sleeping past 6am
Taking things away she shouldn't have away
About 30 oz a day

ALL THE THINGS! She doesn't refuse anything we put in front of her.

Doctor's Report:  
We won't see the doctor until her 12 month check up

Emilia's Milestones:

She has stood up without the assistance of furniture or a person a few times
First Super Bowl
She can take about 2 steps unassisted
Taking bites of a larger piece of food like a cracker

Parents' Milestones:  
We survived another month

Hair Watch:
It is growing, still unsure if it will be curly or not

Eye Watch:
I think they are getting more brown.

Teeth Watch:
She is still holding steady at 8 teeth. 

I let her play with the 1s

Wave them around like you just don't care

What? I turn ONE next month!

 God's Blessings, 

Joshua, Stefani, and Emilia

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