Monday, August 4, 2014

Five Alive

I can't believe it has been FIVE MONTHS since Miss Emilia came into our lives. What a wild five months it has been. 

Standing-The walker without wheels is a hit
Swinging in her pink swing
Sleeping on her stomach
Gnawing on EVERYTHING, seriously nothing is safe
Mouths- She is fascinated by my mouth and Joshua's mouth, she touches my lips and teeth 
The sound of the letter D-when I say Dada or Done Done Done she giggles

Having gas
Daddy's coughs


About 30 oz a day
She is starting to look interested in what we are eating

Doctor's Report:
July 9th

14 lbs 7 oz (50th %)
24.5 inches long (25-30th %)
16 3/4 inch head circumference (90th %....our combined genes strike again)

Emilia's Milestones:
Sleeping in her crib
First Vacation Bible School
First allergy attack (sorry kid, bad genes on that one)
First family dinner at the dinner table in a high chair
First bits of rice cereal on a spoon
Giggling at things she thinks are funny- Dada, Done Done Done, and raspberries on her tummy are things that get her giggling

Parents' Milestones:  
Dealing with her sleeping in her crib
Getting peed on- I got to get quicker with the diaper changing
Hair Watch:

Eye Watch:  
Still blue 

Happy Month-irthday to me

Point me to the beach.

Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.

Seriously, she is the happiest kid ever.

Just floating around. No biggie.
God's Blessings,
Joshua, Stefani, and Emilia

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