Sunday, March 2, 2014


Week 40

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant:  
Aches and pains
Braxton Hicks
Shortness of Breath
Food cravings: 
Pizza! (Always)
Cheesy Poofs

Foods that do not agree with me:
All Beef Hot Dogs 

Fried Pickles

Miss Anything:

My toes
Picking things up off the floor

Have you started to show yet:
I think that answers that question. Hehe

A stubborn lady like her momma

It isn't as constant, but she makes her presence known


She is preparing me for those nightly feedings

Wedding rings on or off: 

Off and a fake set on.

Labor Signs:
Nothing consistent. More than likely it is just Braxton Hicks.They seem to creep up when I have done too much activity and stop when I rest.

Looking forward to:

Getting her out! (I almost typed 40 ! for every week.)
Showing off her wardrobe

Other Baby News:
If you missed my mid week post, we have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I will have an ultrasound, a non stress test, and a regular check up. We are hoping that something is just wrong enough they will want to take her sooner rather than later. Of course, we will keep all of Trexie's "fans" up to date. 

Other Family News:
Papa (my mom's dad) is in the hospital. It looks like he had a stroke. His Alzheimer's has progressed to the point that he does not know who Grammy (my grandma and his wife) is anymore. The course of action is to keep him comfortable until he passes. There isn't much else that we feel can be done. Please keep our family in your prayers. For me, this adds to the "rush" of wanting Trexie to exit/enter. 

God's Blessings, 

Joshua, Stefani, and Baby K

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