Sunday, December 26, 2010

Team Ketelsen Official Jerseys

 The front of our official jersey.

The back of our official jersey

The song and inspiration for getting jerseys made....

Must of Done Something Right
by Relient K

We should get jerseys cause we make a good team
But yours would look better than mine, cause you're outta my league
And I know that it's so cliche to tell you that everyday
I spend with you is the new best day of my life
Everyone watching us just turns away with disgust
It's Jealously, they can see that we've got it going on

And I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know your more to me than what I know how to say
You're OK with the way this is going to be
This is going to be the best thing we've ever seen

If anyone can make me a better person you could
All I gotta say is I must've done something good
I came along one day and you rearranged my life
All I gotta say is I must've done something right
I must've done something right

Maybe I'm just lucky cause it's hard to believe
Believe that somebody like you'd end up with someone like me
And I know that it's so cliche to talk about you this way
But I'll push all my inhibitions aside
It's so very obvious to everyone watching us
That we have got something real good going on

And I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know your more to me than what I know how to say
You're OK with the way this is going to be
This is going to be the best thing we've ever seen
If anyone can make me a better person you could
All I gotta say is I must've done something good
I came along one day and you rearranged my life
All I gotta say is I must've done something right
I must've done something right 

God's Blessings,
Joshua and Stefani.....Team Ketelsen

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Our Thanksgiving plans changed about a week and a half before the holiday. After about 4 months of unemployment Stefani's dad got a job. With the new job came no time off. We decided to take the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with Joshua's family for the first time. After many phone calls and discussions the plans were set. We loaded up the car and headed to Ohio on Thanksgiving day. Joshua's family from New York was to join us, so it was decided to have Thanksgiving dinner on Friday night to give everyone a chance to travel. The weather, however, decided not to cooperate and the folks from New York could not make the trip. 

We had a great dinner with all the trimmings. Joshua encouraged Stefani to share the tradition her grandpa's oyster stuffing with the Ketelsens. Stefani also made green bean casserole and gravy. Everything was delicious!

The trip was short, but we enjoyed visiting with everyone.

God's Blessings, 

Joshua and Stefani

Chosen Conference 2010

We took our Senior High Youth to the Chosen Conference. The conference took place in Gaylord. We stayed overnight at a hotel which cuts down on the stress of driving back and forth.
The theme of the conference was "Stand". It was about taking a stand for one's faith. The message was good and sparked conversations.

The stage.

Hawk Nelson performing.

During a retelling of the paralyzed man being lowered through the roof they had a guy being lowered on a stretcher. 

The kids had a great time and so did the adults!

God's Blessings,

Joshua and Stefani

November Trip to St. Louis

Stefani made the long trek to St. Louis during the beginning of November. She enjoyed the wonderful weather and the leaves still being on the trees. 
Stefani's first stop was to see her best friend, Carolyn. She had a rough month and needed long over due visit. 
Next up was visiting the folks at Andrews Academy. It was so much fun catching up with her former co-workers. She also got see how tall her second graders are getting! They are 4th graders now! My how time flies!! After Andrews, it was time to visit Stefani's Grandma Marrah. She recently had knee replacement surgery and was homebound. Stefani also got bonus visits with her cousins Katie, Cynthia, and Mandi.
Friday was spent with Stefani's parents. After an afternoon of shopping together they headed to dinner with one of Stefani's friends, Sarah, for a mini baby shower since we missed her original shower. We had fun catching up. We can't wait to meet baby Sheppard!
Saturday, Stefani ventured to the Concordia Publishing House tent sale. She found great deals on books and Bible study supplies for Joshua. It was definitely worth the drive from Northern Michigan. After scoring book deals, Stefani went to dinner with her best friend, Christine, and her daughter, Alyssa. They enjoyed having a girls night out.

Alyssa at our dinner out. She is growing up so fast!

Sunday was Salem Lutheran's annual Sausage Supper. Stefani decided to volunteer to help out and visit with the folks from her home congregation. When she was finished she bought 3 take out meals and headed to her grandparents' (Gavisk) house. They had a good food and good visit. 

On Stefani's last day she went to the Zoo with her best friend, Carolyn, and her son, Noah. The weather was perfect for a day outside. 

Noah looking at the tortoises. He is walking and talking now. I can't believe it!

The tortoises!

Stefani really enjoyed visiting with everyone and catching up. 

God's Blessings,

Joshua and Stefani