Sunday, March 22, 2015


Wow, I can't believe we have a one year old! It was a challenging year. We would not have survived without our "village" and the countless prayers of our "villagers". Honestly, Emilia is an amazing kid. I am not sure if it is our parenting or the Grace of God (I lean toward the Grace of God). She brings us a ridiculous amount of joy. We look forward to seeing her grow this next year!

Pressing buttons on toys and remotes
Chewing on everything 

Lima Beans
Being away from mommy too long 
Sitting still
NO MORE FORMULA! Woo Hoo!!! She just weaned herself off formula about three and a half weeks ago. 

She pretty much eats what we eat. 
Doctor's Report:  
Weight: 20.5 lbs
Height: 28.5 inches

Emilia's Milestones:

Weaned off formula 
Drinking out a sippy cup, no more bottle
We have a walker! She has been walking for about two and half weeks. 
Sleeping through the night

Parents' Milestones:  
We survived her first year and kept her alive!!!

Hair Watch:
The back is starting to curl....

Eye Watch:
They have plateaued on the changing colors front

Teeth Watch:
She is still holding steady at 8 teeth, but working on a ninth

Last night as an 11 month old

Enjoying her Birthday Breakfast

Cupcakes! There is a blue one for the Birthday Boy.
"Really, Mom?" 

"I don't know what this is, but it looks delicious!"

"I wonder how much of this I can fit into my mouth?"

KISS impression...Nailed it!  
God's Blessings,

Joshua, Stefani, and Emilia