It has been SIX MONTHS since Emi's grand entrance. We love watching her take in the world around her. She is so busy! She wants to be where the action is. She has a smile for everyone. My mom says she is the happiest baby ever.
Standing- on people, tables, chairs, in the walker
Sleeping on her stomach with her bum in the air
Gnawing on EVERYTHING- blankets
Mouths- She was interested in my parents' mouths and my dad's facial hair.
Daddy- She is enamored with Joshua. It makes church a breeze, because she hears his voice the whole time!
Daddy Walks- Joshua holds her in a certain way and walks that can usually instantly calm her down.
Having gas- Boy can she wail and cry when she has bad gas!
Daddy's coughs
About 30 oz a day
We have experimented with eating carrots, pears, and bananas in the mesh feeder.
Doctor's Report:
September 11th
Weight: 17 lbs. 8 oz. (75th %)
Height: 26 inches (50th %)
Next appointment is at 9 months
Emilia's Milestones:
TEETH!! Her bottom two teeth have broken free!
Her toes have found her mouth!
Getting ready to crawl
Parents' Milestones:
We dealt with her first choking incident. I let her have a steamed carrot that wasn't in the mesh feeder. I was surprising calm about the whole thing. I just hooked my finger and put it in her mouth and got the carrot right out. I figured I would either find the carrot or gag her enough to "find the carrot". I know it won't be the last time she chokes on something. No matter how careful we are it is bound to happen again.
Looking into baby proofing options
Hair Watch:
The bald spot on the back of her head has filled in.
Eye Watch:
They are slowly turning brown.
Teeth Watch:
The two bottom teeth are coming in nicely
Six months is...yummy? |
And we are done. |
The half birthday cake I made for Joshua and Emilia. |
God's Blessings,
Joshua, Stefani, and Emilia