Sunday, October 27, 2013


Week 22

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant: 
Excessive saliva
Restless Legs
Sore Gums 
Acid Reflux

Food cravings:

Chili Cheese Fritos
Pizza (this one seems to stand the test of time)
Qdoba nachos (nearest Qdoba is 45 minutes away)

Foods that do not agree with me:
All Beef Hot Dogs

Miss Anything:
The usual...

Have you started to show yet: 

Pre-pregnancy pants and shirts do not fit anymore



I am quite confident I feel her moving. Feels like someone is doing somersaults in my stomach.

As Josh says, "Any time you are awake it is nap time." In other words, I am always tired or sleeping. 

Wedding rings on or off:


Labor Signs:


Looking forward to:

Painting her room or should I say finally deciding on a stinkin' paint color
Nesting...stuff needs to get done around here and I have zero desire to do any of it.

We are narrowing down a list. Although, we aren't naming this princess until we see her.

Other Baby Related News:
If you aren't friends with me on Facebook, then you may have missed the book my Best Friend, Carolyn, bought for our little T-Rex.  

 Adorable, right? I look forward to reading this to our T-Rex.

My plan from the beginning of this pregnancy was to find what we could used at a good price or take any hand me downs. I am going for the Duggar motto: "Buy used. Save the difference." When a friend posted on Facebook she was selling her crib, I jumped at the offer. I already took a Pack and Play off my Best Friend's hands. My mother in law has found many treasures at the thrift stores, including a bassinet. Moral of the story...if you are getting rid of any baby stuff and want it to go to a good home, let me know. The more I get used the more money that can go to other things. Like, cloth diapers and cute bows.

God's Blessings, 
Joshua, Stefani, and Baby K

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Week 21

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant: 
Excessive saliva
Restless Legs
Sore Gums 
Acid Reflux

Food cravings: 

Mary Kay's Mac N Cheese (Mary Kay is a friend from church who makes this delicious mac n cheese. Which she then made for us when I mentioned that I was craving it.)
Chili Cheese Fritos

Foods that do not agree with me: (New category)
All Beef Hot Dogs

Miss Anything:
Cold Lunch Meat
White Fish
"Good" Drugs for allergies, like doubling anti histamines and taking Naproxen

Have you started to show yet: 

Some days I see it, some days I don't. It has to do with the fact that I have always "carried my weight" in my midsection. It is difficult to embrace my growing stomach. 



I think she is, but I doubt my ability to feel it.

Maternity clothes:
Have I mentioned my love of maternity clothes?


Lots of it!

Wedding rings on or off:


Labor Signs:


Looking forward to:

Painting her room

We are narrowing down a list. Although, we aren't naming this princess until we see her.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Michigan District All Pastors' Conference

This yearly conference is always informational and fun. After four years in the district, we now have familiar faces and enjoy meeting new ones. 

We started the "weekend" (A ministry family's weekend is never on the actual weekend) with a nice dinner with friends from Seminary. Coincidentally, they are also expecting a baby in February. After dinner we continued our fellowship by playing a game called Dominion. I think we might be hooked. 

Monday was a full day of sessions. The keynote speaker was Dr. John Kleinig. I skipped out on most of his sessions, because I didn't want to push myself too much. Sitting for long periods of time becomes painful these days.

Tuesday was another full day of sessions with more free time. Every year there is a separate lunch for wives. It is great to have some "girl time" and meet some new ladies. During free time there was a chance to participate in a servant event. We assisted in making food bags for Kids Against Hunger. We also played another round of Dominion before dinner.

It is great seeing everyone and every time, I vow to make it more than once year. Especially, with our friends who live an hour away or less. I hope and pray I have an agreeable 2 month old, so that I can attend the Katie Conference. Maybe I should bring a nanny? Hahaha.

The back of the lodge where we stayed.
God's Blessings,
Joshua and Stefani 

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Gender reveal week! Woo Hoo! We are excited to announce that we can put a he or she to our little T-Rex! My hair even got into the spirit.

What's that color, you ask? It is PINK! Baby Ketelsen is a GIRL! We will be having our own Disney Princess. (Don't mind the terrible selfie. The husband was occupied with lunch and football: Browns vs. Lions. Go Browns!!)

In addition to the gender, the ultrasound showed a healthy, active little Baby K.

Week 20

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant: 
Excessive saliva
Restless Legs
Sore Gums (my dentist appointment this week was interesting)

Food cravings: 


Miss Anything:
Cold Lunch Meat
White Fish
"Good" Drugs for allergies, like doubling anti histamines and taking Naproxen

Have you started to show yet: 

Joshua says I have a bump and I finally agree. A lady from church also confirmed "the bump"

Gender prediction: 
Last week: "I have a feeling we are having a girl, but we find out officially next week." 
I was correct! Girl it is! 


Hard to tell. She was moving quite a bit at our ultrasound. Waving her arms and legs around and rubbing her eye. It was precious.

Maternity clothes:
Where have they been all my life?!


It is getting better as the weather gets colder. My temperature is more regulated with the cooler weather.

Wedding rings on or off:


Labor Signs:


Looking forward to:

Feeling distinct movement.
Getting her room together. 

We appreciate all the prayers and support we have received. 

God's Blessings,

Joshua and Stefani 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Well, I totally stink at blogging every week. Between morning, noon, and night sickness, the busyness of life, traveling, and just plain laziness I haven't just sat down and written a darn thing.  So, here is this week....

Week 19

Symptoms/Fun things about being pregnant: 
Excessive saliva
Random emotions (crying at things on TV)
Restless Legs

Food cravings: 

Chili Cheese Fritos
Pineapple Shake

Miss Anything:

Cold Lunch Meat
Subway Tuna on Flatbread (I can have tuna salad, but I have to make it myself)

Have you started to show yet: 

Joshua says I have a bump. I have noticed that I can't suck in my stomach anymore.

Gender prediction: 

I have a feeling we are having a girl, but we find out officially next week. 


I think I feel something from time to time. Hard to tell.

Maternity clothes:
I was all about them from the git-go. I am blessed to have friend who lent me all of her Maternity clothes. 


It takes me a while to get comfortable at bedtime. Sometimes I have to take a hot shower in the dark to relax.

Wedding rings on or off:


Labor Signs:


Looking forward to:

Finding out the gender and getting the room together