Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Grandparents' Visit June 2010

Stefani's grandparents (The Marrahs) came to visit for the first time this June. We really enjoyed showing them around. They attended church, went to Mackinac Island, saw Ocqueoc Falls, and Lake Huron. Everyone had a great time. 

Grandpa Marrah, Stefani, and Joshua

Grandma Marrah, Stefani, and Joshua
We took a carriage ride around the Island. We highly recommend it. Especially, for those less physically fit among us. 

Arch rock. A familiar shape to folks from St. Louis.

We had a great time and we can't wait until they visit again!
God's Blessings,

Joshua and Stefani

P.S. Stefani's cousin's family will be relocating from Missouri to North Carolina. Please keep them in your prayers as they make this transition. Thank you!

Friday, June 4, 2010

May 2010 trip to St. Louis

Stefani took a long trip to St. Louis after returning from vacation. It was overdue and there were many events to attend.

The first event was for Stefani's cousin's son's 3rd birthday party. This required a day trip to the Kansas City, MO area with Stefani's parents. The Birthday Boy is really into Thomas the Train and the party showed it! There were great decorations, food, and visiting. It was great that we could be there to share his birthday. It also happened to be Stefani's Grandpa's birthday. There were two Birthday Boys in the house! The pictures below were snagged from Stefani's cousin's blog.

Stefani, Kelly, and Ted

The delicious birthday cake! He is really into Thomas the train.

Stefani was able to attend church at her home congregation. It was great to see everyone. Stefani was most impressed with how her former 3rd and 4th grade Sunday School students have become such wonderful young women and young men. One young fellow was ushering! She felt a bit old, but mostly she felt privileged that she was a part of their Christian upbringing.

After church, Stefani continued a tradition she began with her "Grammy" (Her mom's mom). Stefani picks up Quizno's for her grandparents and herself and heads over lunch and visiting. It is great to talk to each other in the same room instead of over webcam or the phone.

Monday and Tuesday Stefani and her mom spent some mother-daughter time. They organized all Stefani's things left in the basement. After their hard work the basement should be free of Stefani's things soon. 

Wednesday, Stefani was able to spend the whole day with her best friend, Carolyn, and her son, Noah. Noah has gotten so big! He will be one soon. Time has flown. Wednesday night was the first of two graduation ceremonies. The 8th graders at Salem celebrated moving on to high school. Two of Stefani's former Sunday School students were among the nine graduates. She was so proud! She was able to visit with some old friends, including her former pastor. 

Thursday, Stefani visited her former students and co-workers at Andrews Academy. She also had a great lunch with her other best friend, Christine, and her daughter, Alyssa. Alyssa is three going on sixteen. 

Friday, Stefani attended the graduation of the sixth graders at Andrews Academy. They were her first class at Andrews. They have become lovely young men and young women. She can't wait to hear about their future accomplishments. 

It was a great visit!  

God's Blessings,

Joshua and Stefani